San Antonio Car Accident Lawyer

If you have been hurt in a car accident in San Antonio, you do not want to worry about the legal process so you can focus on your recovery. Following an accident, you should contact an experienced San Antonio car accident lawyer. Even if the accident is minor, this is important because you want to ensure you pursue coverage for damages and injuries.

Khattar Law, PC has represented accident victims in San Antonio. We understand the traffic rules and other special responsibilities imposed on commercial carriers and other drivers. Our fundamental objective is to find the underlying cause of the loss. We work continuously with investigators to find answers for complex questions.

Those answers help unravel how an accident occured on intersections, highways, and roadways. In addition, determining the liable parties also becomes simpler by reviewing the evidence. With our client-focused strategy, the accident victims who turn to us for help feel comfortable.  We provide a free, no-obligation consultation to all our clients, irrespective of the nature or complexity of the case.

What Should You Do After A San Antonio Car accident?

Car accidents are common in San Antonio and can result in devastating injuries. Therefore, it is essential to follow the checklist on how to proceed. This step-by-step guide will not only be time-saving but will also speed up the process of gaining reimbursement. 

8 things you should know after a car crash:

  • Do not run away from the accident scene: Whether it is a hit-and-run or a minor accident, you must not drive away from the accident scene.
  • Call the police: Police authorities can help you build your case by gathering witness statements and assessing the fault of both parties. In addition, if you are unable to call for medical help, they can do it for you.
  • Exchange information: If police authority is not present at the incident scene, it is your responsibility to exchange names, contact information, license plate numbers, and insurance information from the other party.
  • Capture pictures: You can take pictures of the property damage and vehicles involved in the accident and obtain the vehicle identification number (VIN). You can also capture debris pictures and skid marks if any. Create a video of the weather condition if the accident is partly caused due to bad weather.
  • Gather evidence: If your injuries allow you, you must search the area of the accident and collect video footage from cameras nearby.
  • Seek medical attention: A doctor will properly diagnose your injuries, so you must pay attention to their medical advice. Short delays in medical treatment may allow insurance companies to raise an argument that you have worsened your injuries by your own neglect. An insurance company may also deny your bodily injury claim.
  • Create an organized file: You must maintain a folder collecting car accident information. The settlement time may vary, so you must retain the documents.
  • Consult an accident lawyer: An attorney can advise you in your claim, and on how to best present your evidence, whether to the insurance adjustor or a court.


Different Types Of Car Accidents In San Antonio, Texas

Car accidents may result in severe injuries, and the injured victim has the right to seek fair compensation in any type of accident they face. Driving is a big responsibility as you need to be careful and focused. If you drive carelessly, you endanger not only your life but also the lives of others. Therefore, knowing about different types of car accidents is essential to avoid them.

8 common car accidents: 

Hit-and-run car accidents:

A hit-and-run accident happens when a driver collides with another pedestrian, car, or property then speeds away from the accident scene without providing medical aid to the injured victim. To avoid being a victim of such a collision, it is vital to stay alert and be aware of vehicles that are coming your way.

Head-on collisions: 

These collisions are caused when the front ends of both vehicles collide in opposite directions. Head-on collisions can be avoided by following certain rules such as driving in the right direction without losing focus. Driving at low speed will help in reducing the overall impact of a head-on collision. 

Rear-end collisions:

These collisions happen when a vehicle’s front side collides with another vehicle’s rear end. Rear-end accidents may occur due to intoxication, bad road conditions, and other factors. One of the ways in which you can avoid these collisions is by maintaining a safe distance between you and other vehicles. 

Single-vehicle crashes: 

When the accident involves one vehicle, it is a single-vehicle crash. The vehicle may collide with other things on the road. Following all the road safety guidelines and traffic rules may help prevent such crashes. In addition, drivers must always maintain vehicle conditions to avoid any mishap. 

Commercial vehicle accidents: 

An accident which involves commercial vehicles such as buses, semi-trucks, and others whose impact is more severe due to their size and weight. Such accidents can be reduced if truck drivers follow hours of service regulations to avoid driving when tired. Furthermore, everyone must also take precautions to maintain a safe distance from large vehicles. 

Drunk driving crashes: 


Drunk driving crashes may occur when a driver is driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The crashes are dangerous as drink or drugs reduce the driver’s reaction time. People must avoid driving while they are drunk and take cabs for their safety and for others’ safety on the road. 

One of the main reasons car accidents occur is that other drivers do not know how to travel safely or share the road with them. It is safe to say that most car crashes occur due to the negligence of motor vehicle drivers. A car accident attorney in San Antonio can guide you on whether you have a valid claim and determine the liable parties.

T-bone Accidents

A T-bone accident, also known as a broadside or side-impact collision, occurs when one vehicle crashes into the side of another vehicle at a right angle, forming a “T” shape. This type of accident commonly happens at intersections when one vehicle fails to yield or runs a red light or stop sign.

T-bone accidents can be particularly dangerous because the side of a vehicle offers less protection compared to the front or rear. The occupants on the side that is struck are vulnerable to direct impact, and the force can cause severe injuries or fatalities.

Rollover Accidents

A rollover accident refers to a type of vehicle collision in which a vehicle tips over onto its side or roof. It can occur when a vehicle loses control and its momentum causes it to flip, typically during high-speed maneuvers, abrupt turns, or collisions with other vehicles or objects.

Rollover accidents are particularly dangerous and can result in severe injuries or fatalities due to the violent nature of the event. Factors that contribute to the likelihood of a rollover include the type of vehicle involved, such as tall and narrow vehicles like SUVs, as well as high speeds, sharp turns, uneven road surfaces, and driver error.

What Are the Most Common Car Accident Injuries in San Antonio?

Car accident victims may need assistance for pain and suffering when they have sustained injuries. Some of the severe injuries that can result from car accidents include:

  • Brain injuries: When a driver’s head hits the steering wheel or some other object, it may result in traumatic brain injury. The injury can be mild, moderate, or severe, depending on the speed at which the driver is driving the car.
  • Limb injuries: In extreme cases, the injuries may result in the loss of a limb or amputation. It may lead to disfigurement and may change the victim’s life forever. 
  • Broken bones: Fractures are one of the most common injuries in car accidents. There may be different types of fractures, such as wrist, hand, or rib fractures. 
  • Spinal cord injuries: The spine is the most important and delicate part of the human body. In car accidents, jerks, twists or sudden force may result in spinal cord injuries. 

       When accidents are devastating, they may lead to the sudden death of an individual. The sudden demise of an individual may affect their family if they are wage-earners. If you suffer a car wreck and sustain injuries due to someone else’s negligence, consult San Antonio car accident attorneys.

What Kind Of Damages Do Auto Accident Victims Commonly Face?

When an individual files a personal injury case, they may pursue compensation for different types of losses. A San Antonio personal injury lawyer can make an overall estimate of your injuries and losses. The following are some of the losses and damages:

  • Medical treatment expenses: The most obvious costs are those associated with medical treatment. These include hospital and specialist fees and many other medications and therapies. If you require surgery or other procedures, you can also receive damages for those.
  • Loss of earnings: Due to your accident, you may have to change jobs or stay home for months because you cannot work. Often, following a severe injury caused by an automobile accident, you might have trouble adapting to the work you did previously. You may even be entitled to damages for the money you could have earned.
  • Loss of enjoyment: Sometimes, you can even get damages for unhappiness. Depression and boredom may set in, and your injury or accident may change you profoundly. You may be entitled to damages if you no longer enjoy things you once loved.
  • Pain and suffering: If you are suffering from severe aches and pains or ongoing discomfort, you should seek assistance to try to pursue compensation for your pain and suffering.
  • Property damage: refers to damage to your vehicle, as well as other objects damaged in the accident. You may be eligible for compensation for any damaged or lost items in the crash.
  • Emotional distress: Overall, a fatal car accident in San Antonio can be very traumatizing. Following severe accidents, some people may develop stress-related disorders and conditions. Other psychological issues may also arise. 

Car accidents can cause catastrophic injuries and severe accidents. Even in minor cases, car collisions may have serious repercussions. Therefore, it is essential to act quickly. If you or someone you know has suffered a personal injury, consult a competent auto accident lawyer.

How Long Do I Have To File A Car Accident Claim In Texas?

In Texas, the statute of limitations for filing a car accident claim is generally two years from the date of the accident. This means that you have a two-year window of time to file a complaint or lawsuit seeking compensation for injuries or property damage resulting from the accident.

It’s important to note that the statute of limitations can vary depending on the circumstances of the case. There may be exceptions or different deadlines in certain situations, such as accidents involving government vehicles or claims against a government entity. It’s always a good idea to consult with an attorney who specializes in personal injury law to ensure you understand the specific time limitations that apply to your case.

If you fail to file a claim within the designated time period, you may lose your right to seek compensation for your damages. Therefore, it is crucial to take timely action and initiate the claims process as soon as possible following a car accident.

What Are The Benefits Of Hiring A San Antonio Car Accident Lawyer?

If you wish to hire an attorney to represent your case in court, you must know the benefits they can bring to your side. Some advantages may include:

  • In-depth knowledge of Texas laws;
  • Comprehensive investigation;
  • Thorough evidence collection;
  • Recreating the accident scene by the use of experts if required;
  • Looking into every detail of the case;
  • Ability to handle powerful adversaries such as insurance companies.

If you consider all the advantages, seeking experienced legal advice will reduce the burden on your shoulders. You will get peace of mind and can focus on your recovery rather than on handling legal complications.

What Evidence Is Required To Prove Car Accident Claims

Gathering essential evidence can strengthen your case. Therefore, you must be smart enough to collect relevant information from the accident scene before leaving. You must gather evidence that may include the following:

  • Accident reports;
  • Statements from eyewitnesses;
  • Video footage from CCTVs near the scene of the accident;
  • Medical records;
  • Reports of medical tests and scans;
  • Photographs of the accident.

A San Antonio car accident attorney will help you gather evidence in all types of car accidents. If your case is viable, they will take it on and work hard to pursue the fullest possible compensation. They will pursue reimbursement for all your losses and help you find the peace of mind to recover from the tragedy completely.

Do’s and Don’ts after facing a car crash



Do check your injuries. Don’t attempt to move anyone with a severe head, neck, or back injury.
Do try to control the bleeding, if any. Don’t start playing the blame game, either verbally or physically.
Do call for help. Don’t accept on-the-spot settlements provided by the insurance adjusters.
Do park your vehicle at the side of the
Don’t try to run away from the accident scene.
Do click pictures of the accident scene and take notes of the collision. Don’t post anything on social media.

How To Prove Negligence In A Car Accident Case in San Antonio?

Personal injury law is an area of civil law, and it covers others’ intentional acts and negligence. Negligence refers to an individual’s unreasonable actions that violate a duty of care. Negligent drivers are typically speeding, driving unsafely, or doing other risky things on the road. There are many ways a driver can be negligent. Proving negligence, however, is not always easy.

Certain elements make a personal injury case more viable.

  • Breach of duty: The term refers to the duty to act as a reasonable person would under the same circumstances. We all have duties to others to which we must adhere. When a driver is negligent, they are not operating the vehicle as a reasonable person would. For instance, a reasonable driver would not exceed the speed limit by 30 mph on an icy road. This would be a breach of their duty.
  • Injury: Sometimes, an accident does not cause an injury. In a car crash in San Antonio, a claimant must demonstrate that the accident caused real damage. In some cases, people fake injuries to try to get money. Doctors and hospital staff may be very helpful in proving that injuries are real, and not fraudulent.
  • Hazard: A hazard is an unsafe or dangerous condition. It may be a person, place, or thing. For instance, a wet spot in a store could be a hazard where somebody could fall or slip. A violent dog off its leash may be a hazard. Negligent drivers can be hazards, too.
  • Accident: A hazard must be linked to the accident to prove a personal injury. Did a speeding vehicle lead to an accident? Did a drunk driver crash into another car? If you can’t prove that the hazard led to the accident, you can’t prove your case.

A San Antonio car accident lawyer will examine all aspects of the case to prove that another driver is at fault. Evidence from the scene of the accident is crucial. Other experts may offer their analysis to help build a personal injury case. Multiple elements must be linked to prove a personal injury.

Full Tort Vs. Limited Tort

When choosing your car insurance, you have two choices:

  • Full Tort: In the full tort option, you have the right to pursue recovery from your pain and suffering. There is no threshold in full tort insurance; you can get reimbursement for minor and more serious injuries.
  • Limited Tort: In limited tort insurance, you cannot recover from pain and suffering. An individual would need to show evidence that their personal injury was caused due to permanent disability or severe impairment or has resulted in wrongful death.

There are exceptions to limited tort. You have an opportunity to convert limited tort insurance to full tort insurance. Limited tort insurance can be converted to full tort when the other driver was driving a vehicle registered outside of Texas or under the influence. In these situations, you can switch to the full tort option.

Whether you choose limited tort or full tort, you may be able to obtain monetary help for your economic losses, including property damage, medical bills, and lost income.

How Much Do Car Accident Lawyers Charge?

The answer may be different depending on the lawyer you choose. Most lawyers work on a contingency fee, and you will not pay legal fees unless you obtain compensation, a settlement, or an award. You may still be liable for court costs.

  • You will not have to pay upfront fees to hire a lawyer.
  • You will not be charged anything unless you win.
  • If the attorney wins compensation, they will charge a percentage of the settlement as their fee.

Some car accident lawyers may prefer to charge hourly or flat fees. You must inquire about the fee structure before hiring any attorney.

Need Legal Help! Contact San Antonio Car Accident Attorney!

If you need assistance with your car accident case, contact a San Antonio accident law firm like Khattar Law, PC. They will consider all the factors to determine what kind of damages you can pursue as an accident victim. 

They will stand by your side throughout the entire legal process and help you pursue compensation for your losses. Schedule a free case review today to get started.

San Antonio Car Accident FAQ

Q. What If My Insurance Company Refuses To Compensate For My Car Accident?

When your insurance company refuses to pay you for your car crash or you have been receiving unfair treatment, you may file a complaint with the state insurance commissioner. You will need to have details of all your interactions with the insurance company. It will serve as evidence.

Q. What Happens If You Were Not Wearing Seat Belt At The Time Of The Crash?

Wearing seat belts while the vehicle is in motion is a precautionary measure that must be taken. It is both good common sense and the law. If a driver is not wearing a seat belt when an accident occurs, the insurance company may use this point against the individual in the negotiation phase. It may also reduce any award of compensation. Drivers and passengers should always wear protective measures, such as seatbelts, while driving.

Q. What Is The Three-Second Rule In Driving?

The three-second rule is an easy way to estimate if a driver is following another car too closely. It suggests that the amount of space between a car and the vehicle ahead should be at least three seconds. This provides enough time to react and brake safely in case of an emergency. In Texas, it is against the law to drive too close to the vehicle in front of you and failure to follow this rule could result in a citation.

Q. If The Airbag In My Car Didn’t Deploy, Do I Have A Case?

It is possible that you may have a case if your airbag didn’t deploy in an accident where it should have. It is essential to investigate why and how the airbag failed to deploy and whether any defects or negligence played a role in the malfunction. If you believe a defect or negligence was involved, you can file a lawsuit against the auto and airbag manufacturers and pursue compensation for any damages that occurred as a result.

Q. Do I have to report a minor car accident?

As a way of creating a legal record in your case, an individual should call law enforcement authorities to report any car accident. The incident must be reported if it resulted in injuries, property damage, or wrongful deaths. However, to strengthen your car accident claim, you ought to report even a minor accident and get a copy of the police report.

Q. How is Fault Determined in a Car Accident?

After a car accident, fault is determined on the basis of evidence such as witness statements, expert reports, and police reports. All these facts will help the insurance adjuster and judge in decision-making.  Furthermore, Texas is a fault state which means that the at-fault party will be liable for compensating the damages of the injured party.

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