If you have faced disability issues for more than 12 months, you may qualify to receive Social Security disability. The first step to determine whether you may be eligible for disability benefits must be that your condition is limiting you from doing any work.

The Social Security Administration (SSA) is the government body responsible for determining who will qualify to receive monetary compensation to manage their finances following a disability. 

Some of the disability conditions for which you can apply for the benefits in Kerrville, TX are:

Eligibility Criteria For Social Security Disability Benefits In Kerrville, TX

If you plan to file a Social Security disability claim with the SSA, it is beneficial to have an experienced disability legal expert guide you through every step in the process. Before you contact a local Social Security office in Kerrville , a Kerrville TX Social Security disability attorney can help you determine when and how to apply.

To qualify for Social Security disability, your disability must meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • It must have lasted 12 months or more.
  • It must be expected to last an additional 12 months or more.
  • It must be expected to lead to death.

Your total disability must also prevent you from working at full capacity, meaning that you are completely unable to work or that your ability to work is extremely limited. This limit is called substantial gainful activity (SGA), or an individual’s ability to earn a certain monthly amount. The SSA uses SGA to help determine how disabling a condition may be.

Social Security Disability Lawyer Kerrville TXThe SSA follows a strict process to confirm all of the details you present within your application before approving your disability. You may have to appeal the SSA’s decision or even litigate your case in federal court.

Approval for Social Security disability benefits is based on several factors, including the nature of the disabling condition, your work history, and your income. However, it may be challenging to qualify for the social security disability. You must prove that you are disabled and that your disability meets the SSA’s disability definition.

Proving disability may be difficult. Legal guidance can help you gather the necessary documents, including medical reports, vocational assessments, employer information, and expert opinions. Most first-time disability applicants are denied for a variety of reasons, including improperly completed paperwork, filing errors, and lies within the documentation.

How A Kerrville, TX Social Security Disability Lawyer Can Help?

To improve your chances of getting the disability, you should ensure that your application is complete and includes all of the documents necessary to prove your long-term disability. A legal professional can help you successfully navigate this process.

If your disability prevents you from earning a living for more than 12 months, and doctors anticipate that your condition is expected to last longer, consult our Kerrville TX disability lawyers at Khattar Law for the insights you need to successfully apply for disability. 

At Khattar Law, PC, disability attorneys have decades of experience in handling complex disability claims. We can work tirelessly on your behalf until you receive compensation for your loss, pain, and suffering that result from your disabling condition.

They will take all of the required steps that will help you in your SSA application. We will fight for your rights and stand by your side until you receive the social security disability that you deserve. Contact Khattar Law’s Social Security disability lawyers at 210-923-1234 to schedule your free consultation.