Riding a bicycle on a nice, sunny day is a pleasant experience in the USA. Bicycles are eco-friendly, offer a good form of exercise, and are an affordable mode of transportation. Unfortunately, in the USA, riding a bicycle may involve some risks and can even be life-threatening.

Various road hazards, such as drunk driving and negligent driving, are the main reasons for the rising number of bicycle accidents in the USA. 

Why Do Bicycle Accidents Take Place?

The latest statistics show a substantial number of bicycle accident cases reported in the USA. These accidents resulted in injuries to thousands of people throughout the country. These numbers are consistently growing, and have increased exponentially in recent years.

The increasing trend of fatal bicycle accidents on American streets is also not slowing down. If you have been injured due to a bicycle accident, an experienced San Antonio bicycle accident lawyer can assist throughout your case.

Some Common Causes of Bicycle Accidents:

Raising Concerns

Bicycles are vehicles used by many of us in our daily lives for transportation from one place to another, just like buses, trucks, or cars. That means bicycles are legally obligated to share the same road with other vehicles.

Besides, riding a bike on the sidewalk is considered to be illegal in many cities. Because of these laws, bicyclists often have no choice but to ride in designated bike lanes or in the road lane itself.

It is always risky and possibly life-threatening for bicyclists to share the same road with large vehicles. It is imperative to wear protective gear, be aware of the vehicles around you and always obey the traffic laws.

Here are a few of the most common ways that accidents occur between a car and a bicycle. 

  • Accidents at Stoplights: Bicycle accidents occur at stoplights when a vehicle has a red light and the bicyclist has the right of way to go. Driver negligence, inattentiveness, and failure to entirely stop the vehicle or to see the bicyclist can cause an accident at a stoplight. 
  • While Turning Right: When a car passes a bicyclist to take a right turn, the car can hit the bicyclist who is also taking a right turn at the intersection. This can lead to a significant accident.
  • While Turning Left: Just like taking a right turn, taking a left turn can cause the same types of bicycle accidents. When a bicyclist and a vehicle approach each other from opposite sides, such as where one is turning left and the other is turning right, if the motorist does not see the bicyclist they can end up hitting the bicyclist badly.
  • Vehicle’s Open Door: Another common reason for bicycle accidents is when a car is parked on the side of a road and opens its door directly without looking around if any bicyclist is passing by.
  • Rear-Ending: A bicyclist can also get rear-ended by a motor vehicle, which causes serious injury to the bicyclist.

A bicyclist involved in an accident may suffer many severe injuries, including head injury, back injury, neck and spine injury, brain injury, and various others.

What Steps Need to be Taken After an Accident?

It is essential to know what actions to take after being in a bicycle accident. If a negligent driver struck you and your bicycle, you must take certain steps to help prove the driver’s fault. 

After an accident, it is imperative to call an ambulance for medical attention as soon as possible, even if your injuries are minor. However, if you are able, there are a few other things you can do after an accident that will significantly help your case.

  • Get the driver’s information: If you are conscious, you should collect the driver’s name, license number, license plate number, and insurance information. 
  • Wait for the police: After an accident with a vehicle, it is essential to wait for the police to arrive so they can take a statement from your perspective. If you don’t think you’ve been injured, you should still record your statement as it could be crucial to your case.
  • Protect evidence: After the accident, do not attempt to fix your bike, get rid of any safety equipment, or wash the clothes you were wearing at the time of the accident. This evidence must be protected so it can later be used in your injury claim.

A bicyclist has many rights, just like any other vehicle in the USA. If you have ever been in a bicycle accident due to a negligent driver, a lawyer can help you protect your legal rights. Book a free case evaluation with us to learn about possible compensation you can get for your injuries.